JDSU launches new SMART optical portable instruments.

Along with the fact that more than 70,000 optical portable devices manufactured by JDSU are already in use, a new line of SMART devices has been developed to help communication operators take their networks to the next level of quality. JDSU's SMART optical portable devices form a new, higher-level intelligent line of measurement tools for all optical signals and systems, including those used in broadband, FTTx, PON and Gigabit Ethernet networks.

JDSU devices of the SMART CLASS line are equipped with:

  • By an expanded number of calibrated wavelengths
  • SMARTStar graphical user interface for quick and easy operation.
  • By the SmartEnergy device power management system
  • The SMARTBag system for ease of work in the field
  • USB port for conducting remote operations, downloading results, as well as generating an Excel-based report and analyzing the measurements
  • Shockproof, moisture-proof housing for work in difficult conditions

Optical laser source OLS-55/56 SMART CLASS:

  • Ready to work in FTTx networks at wavelengths of 1490 nm, 1625 nm

Optical attenuator JDSU OLA-54/55:

  • Readiness to work in FTTx networks